Everything about Sugar – caramel | |
Everything about Sugar – caramelCandy s ã a food typically prepared with ç ú car.Candy s ã the made with baking of the ç ú cares. Can consume both l liquid, such í é the box of candy that's ã the added above the flan, as the s ó read. The candy solidified eaten usually leaving the undo in the mouth. This á the Add é tender fruit flavors, herbs and other spices. H á also candy sugar-free, thanks to sweeteners come ç a taste sweet without obesity or damage your teeth. The last s ú ã made especially to people in the scheme (e.g. diabetes). Chemically, é used in v á rias ways in manufacture of food as an additive, also known as E150. Since ancient times due é and à need for humans to find food and to provide energy for their long journeys, come ç or mix honey with certain cereals and fruit pulp for ent ã thefollowing the discovery of the ç ú car could lead to what é now known as sweet cont í nuos. Rather than using the ç ú car, j á done sweet other subst â, such as honey, ginger and FTAA ç uz. The candies were invented in 1820. H á many types of sweets: normal, Massif, with Lollipop, chocolate, chewing gum, gelatin ç ã, ã, sweets, chocolate algod, fruit, FTAA, without ç uz ç ú car, spicy, garlic, bad taste, mancham colors, etc.. In last case s ú ã used to make jokes; especially at Carnival or each December 28 (day of the innocents). In the industrial manufacture of sweets is often used as the raw ç ú car, glucose and water á, s ã the combined in proposing appropriate ç õ es to generate a syrup (maple syrup) that is cooked ent ã at high temperatures. A ç ã r evaporates á pida produces eliminates ç ã of á water in boiled syrup with a sweet folder that can be formed in different ways. The subsequent cooling causes the crystallization of the mass, forming the Royal candy to give the rate increase à which makes it suitable for its packaging. According to the solvent (water or milk) and the recipe, the end result can be called ò in one way or nellaltro. When è made with milk, the reaction with protein generates cyclic organic compounds that provide new flavours, to give the Maillard reaction. The final structure depends on the temperature that è boiled in sugar syrup, cos ì as the presence of acids while cooking (for example, adding vinegar syrups results in a less viscous product dellOrientale). The presence of a solute in a liquid increases its boiling point and then pi ù the percentage of the sugar is dissolved, è à temperature will increase over the debollizione. But when the mixture è heated, boiling water and evaporates and thus increases the concentration of sugar; ò makes us more ù to increase the boiling point of the mixture. This relationship has transported è predictable and temperature in concrete mixing è produced the desired sugar concentration. Usually the pi ù high temperature (greater concentration of sugar) è hard and rigid, candy while temperatures pi ù insufficient produce soft candies pi ù. A thermometer è suggested to check the temperature. For more information on ù and on names, see the boiling syrup. Can be found in shops of sweets, pastry or confectionery, or bomboner. È usually have brightly colored wrappers and even owning the candy can be many colors ò. Other techniques are also used to make them different from the rest, for example, they do bite, chewing gum, or to include a stick to get it). È curious to note that in countries such as Venezuela, in this case called chupeta and è in cases like the teat For ù è called while in Colombia popular sit è named bon bon or Columbine; the name é the rear because Colombian candy brand. In the United States in North America are named lollipop, also called in some countries of Latin America. Caramel Apple, Plus clothing, Prevision meteorologica, Pocasie 10 dni, Spa Blog |