What is games online

What is games online

The game is inherent to the human being. We all have with our family, material, social and cultural fields by the game learned interact. Its a very rich, comprehensive, versatile and ambivalent concept that implies a difficult to categorize. Etymologically, the involved researchers that rebus from two words in Latin: iocum and ludus-ludere both make reference to joke, fun, joke, and the term playful activity often used interchangeably. The numerous definitions about the game, have enacted, see the dictionary of the Royal Academy it as recreational exercise subject to rules that win or lose. However implies the own polysemy of this and the subjectivity of different authors that any definition is not more than a partial approach to the playful phenomenon. We can say that the game, like any socio-cultural reality, impossible to in absolute terms is to determine, and therefore the definitions described some of its properties. Among the best-known conceptualization that we have pursued as follows: Huizinga (1987): the game is an action or a profession, that within certain temporary and area boundaries, according to absolutely obligatory rules occurs, although quite allowed, the action that has the end in itself and a sense of excitement and joy and of information accompanied-otherwise-that in the ordinary life. Gutton, P. (1982): Is a privileged form of kinduitdrukking. Cagigal, J. M (1996): free, spontaneous, selfless and inconsequential in a temporary and space constraint of the usual life takes place, subject to certain rules, established or improvised and action whose information element the tension is. In summary, these and other authors such as Roger Caillois, Moreno Palos, etc..
included in their definitions a number of properties common to all views, which is the single most representative: the game is a free activity: it is a voluntary event, nobody is forced to play.
It is located in space constraints and é é n or other obligations temporary placed in advance or at the time of the game are ge ï allow. It is uncertain in character.
An original, spontaneous and creative activity, constant rocks the end result of the game, what the presence of a pleasant uncertainty motivates that fascinates us all. It is a demonstration that same goal in itself, is pretty, selfless and irrelevant. This property is very important in the game of children since it allows any failure. Currently, just like that with the definition of game, there are plenty of concepts sport according to the author is to take as a reference: Coubertain, Demeny, Cacigal, Parlebas, Garc. Also Executive another synthesis of these authors we could determine the sport and distinguish it from the game in the following way: the sport is a series of motor and intellectual situations of the game in which the competition with others or self strives differs, requires that specific rules and which is ge ï nstitutionaliseerds. The game takes a separate, fictional place, is like a game that actions be told, from everyday life, a symbolic message constantly. It is a conventional activity because each game the result of a social agreement that is established by the players, who designed the game and its internal procedure, its limitations and its rules determine. The game appears in mammals. The mammals play to learn.
In fact, the main function of the game is to learn.
The mammals are characterized by ge ë long volueerdes brain, childhood, parental care, breastfeeding of the young, the hunting of the gene in group, social division of labor and not. The mammals play hunting group, determine hi ë hierarchy ë n, surveys, distribute work, among others.
The game under the mammals (dogs, cats, primates, aquatic) associated with imitation and exploration through trial and error are based. In mammals, there is a total absence of symbolic game. The symbolic game is about representation, not real things. The cave paintings are the first example of symbolic . Prehistoric man used to have on animals by their representation to act.
The symbolic game is clearly present all normal children from 2 years old. The symbolic game is present when a child takes a stone and it plays as if it were a car was. This little boy is playing with the cart, not with the stone. Chimpanzees and other primates have the capacity for representation to use, can for example use few words, but did not appear in them to any form of symbolic game. Chimpances has the same characteristics from all.

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