All you need to know about Web CSS | |
All you need to know about Web CSSProceed in sequence (in English-style layers of procedure in sequence), CSS style sheets è a language used to define the presentation of a structured document written in HTML or XML (e) by extension XHTML. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) è responsible for the formulation of specific style sheets that will be the standard for browsers or user agents.The idea behind the development of CSS è to separate a document's structure from its presentation. For example, the HTML . EPS ù older versions of HTML allowed extra attributes in open delletichetta formatting (such as color or size). However, each . When using CSS, . Style information separated into a layer style, specify how to show . Style information may be attached as a separate document or in the same HTML document. In the last case has been able to define the General document styles nellintestazione or in any particular editing style using lattributo. CSS provides three different ways to apply style rules to a Web page: One external style sheet, è a layer style which è stored in a different file to the file in the HTML code of the Web page è stored. There ò è pi ù sense program, because é separates the formatting rules for the HTML page of the basic structure of the page: One layer style, which è one stylesheet è included within an HTML document. (Going to the right inside the . ) This way Gets the benefit of separation of information from the style of the HTML code itself. You can choose to copy the embedded style sheet to a page to another (this possibility à è difficult to achieve if you want to store the synchronized copy). Generally the only time a layer style interior used, è è when you want to provide all the features to a Web page in a single file, for example, if you are sending something to the Web page. A line style (inline) è a method to insert the language styles of page directly inside of a HTML editing. This method is not entirely suitable for è. Lincastonatura description of the formatting in the document on the Web page level code, it becomes a long, tedious and inelegant to solve the problem of programming page. This sense of operation may be used occasionally, if a è formatting in a hurry,. Not è all the light or structured which ought to be, but it works. There ò è the method suggested for placement in HTML email. The advantages of using CSS (or other style language) are: centralized control over the presentation of a Web site complete with what considerably accelerates the same update. Browsers allow users to specify their own local stylesheet, applicher à to a Web site, then considerable increasing accessibility à. For example, people with vision impairments can damage ò configure their own layer style to increase the size of the text or highlight pi ù links. A page may ò have different style sheets according to the device to show or even to users choice. For example, to be printed, displayed on a mobile device or be read by a voice synthesizer. The HTML document itself è pi ù clear to understand and gets to significantly reduce its size (finch è è style is not used in line). Before that the CSS is available, the only form of space was a page of luso. Although è a convenient and versatile, using an element with particular semantics, which è the tabular information, expressed only by its effect on the presentation. Lintroduzione CSS allowed in many cases supersedes the use of tables. However, the CSS does not allow even the versatility that has offered the à tables, creates a complex page layout tends to be a difficult task in CSS and the differences between browsers even more difficult task ù. È expected that future developments in CSS3 solves this lack and make CSS a language more appropriate equal à ù. Site html, php web, Gore, Watch online TV, |